Translation as a business strategy for internationalization

As companies expand into international markets and their online presence becomes increasingly important, internal processes need to be adapted to ensure they remain competitive and attractive worldwide.

English is still considered the predominant global language, but this does not mean that translating and localizing a website into English alone will guarantee success.

Internet World Stats surveyed the 10 languages most spoken by internet users, and while English clearly topped the list, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Indonesian, French, Japanese, Russian, and German were also highly represented. Spanish and Portuguese are two of the most used languages, so there are plenty of opportunities for new audiences!

According to a study by CSA Consulting, 72% of consumers prefer to make online purchases on websites that provide information about a product or service in their own language.

At the same time, 74.6% of internet users do not consider English their first language, which creates excellent opportunities to provide content in other languages. These data, obtained from an article published by Nimdzi, are important to any organization that considers English as the only necessary means of communication, something that has been changing over time.


We are experiencing major and significant technological and cultural changes.

Businesses implementing internationalization processes need to adapt to each region’s market and culture as part of their operating strategy. In an article on his blog, Neil Patel, one of the world’s biggest names in digital marketing, has written about the importance of optimizing website content for different languages to avoid losing traffic. This has also been a discussion topic here on the blog .

Translating content into different languages is an important decision in digital marketing, since it helps businesses develop in new locations. The process can lead to more impactful results in terms of national, international, and cultural reach.

Proper use of translation, localization, and SEO could prove indispensable to the success of a website, for example.


When expanding internationally, part of a business’s strategy should be to consider the language and culture of the regions where the company intends to begin operating.

Multilingualism should be included in the internationalization plan, with detailed information on the number of languages needed, so that the content can be adapted accordingly and the message conveyed appropriately to different nationalities and cultures. Adapting to the local landscape can certainly put a business a step ahead of its competition.


The company’s target market must be considered.

In this process, the translation consists of creating a tailored project with high added value, using assertive communication to reach local companies and consumers of interest to the business.

Pazetti Traduções offers localization services. The team, comprising native speakers of English, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, includes specialist translators and interpreters with expertise expertise in a range of business areas and the experience needed to meet any demand. here to get in touch.

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