The importance of translating website content to increase traffic

International companies are paying increasing attention to the content and translation of their websites, and as the use of internet search engines continues to rise, offering content translated into multiple languages has become an essential business strategy.

Market studies indicate that customers tend not to browse websites that do not provide content in their native language. If you are thinking about reaching new foreign markets or creating international relations—whether dealing with other companies (B2B) or with consumers (B2C)—it is fundamental to consider your ability to communicate with your audience.


The key here is to optimize your website for people from different countries and cultures, and to make online content one of your business’s strategic priorities.

Your website needs to contain the terms most searched for by potential visitors—and in the language they are searching in. If you operate in Italy and the local audience is the focus of your business, it is essential to cover the themes and terms most searched for by Italians.

Neil Patel,British co-founder of NP Digital and one of the world's biggest names in Digital Marketing, says that he has often stopped reading from websites he found via Google because they were written in a language he cannot understand. In a blog post, Patel also mentions that while analyzing traffic to his own website, he noticed that he was missing out on a lot of views simply because his website had not been translated. So, he soon adopted a new strategy, offering content in a variety of different languages. Do we even need to tell you the result?


However, while translating your website can lead to more opportunities for you and your business, remember that poor quality or machine translations can have disastrous consequences. Here on our blog, we have already talked about translation errors and their consequences for international businesses.

Prospective new clients around the world first need to find out that you exist. A good translation, together with a strong digital marketing strategy, will help people to find your website easily when searching online.

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