Renata Grasseschi Dunck talks about her 25 years of experience in internationalization

The foundation of any relationship is good communication, and in the world of international business, this could not be more true. Even though English is a universal language, it is not always the best alternative. Being able to count on native professionals to translate, interpret and conduct your business can be decisive for your company's financial results.

Renata Dunck, a company internationalization specialist for 25 years, discusses her experience in this Pazetti Traduções exclusive. Read it below:




RDUNCK was founded in 2014, with a very peculiar background, barely explored here in Brazil, which is international prospecting.

The job consists of looking for buyers and sellers around the world, making business viable, negotiating, performing, following the daily routine of a company that wants to become an international business.

In the beginning, we worked with Brazilian expatriates. For almost 3 years, our activities were carried out satisfactorily, but without significant growth. That was when we noticed the urgent need to work with native speakers.

While internationally prospecting, literal translations or superficial knowledge about a country’s culture are not enough. Unless the Brazilian expatriate was raised in the country of commercial interest, the chances of that person mastering a good part of the local culture are small.

Business is done by people who identify with you. Are numbers important? Absolutely. Are numbers decisive? Not in 100% of the cases.

The ease that only a native language and local culture bring to the start of a negotiation can either put you in the game or take you out of it.

Knowing how to use the local-language colloquialisms is essential. Even if English is the universal language for business transactions, being fluent in the language of the intended country is always a critical differential when closing contracts and partnerships with foreigners. These are small but essential differentials that help us grow as a company.

It is not uncommon for foreign businessmen to communicate in English when it is convenient for them at the negotiating table, reserving their native language for moments when they want to communicate amongst themselves without revealing the details of their comments to everyone.

When you are with a professional who effectively understands a context closer to the reality of the international company you want to do business with, it is easier to be on an equal terms with the others involved and obtain the desired results.

Here at RDUNCK, the result increased by 93%. It was such an effective measure that, from 2017 until now, we have eliminated working with Brazilians, and today our team only has native speakers.

Imagine the following scenario:

You’re a Japanese company. You want to do business in Brazil, and you hire a German who lives here. He speaks Portuguese, communicates very well, albeit with an accent, as he has lived here for two years in the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul.

At one point, one of these Japanese company’s prospective importers was located in the countryside of Minas Gerais.

Does the German speak Portuguese very well? He does. He represents a Japanese company. Did he manage to convey to the Japanese how to effectively enter the Brazilian market? With all the details that would lead to faster success? Will he be able to fluently understand the Portuguese of those who live in Minas? What if some details slip through the cracks? How would this effectively impact the negotiations?

Thousands of people do business in the world, and the overwhelming majority develop it through their second language rather than their mother tongue. However, here I am reinforcing the differentials when seeking a position on the globe.

“But, Renata, nowadays, this can all be solved with the internet. Just send an email.” It’s true; many questions are answered by email. But what if the German doesn’t even know he had a question? What if the man from Minas Gerais thinks his needs were understood, when in fact, the question posed to him was not what he understood? Everything can be cleared up down the road, absolutely. The problem is: how much will it cost you in commercial or financial expenditures?

However, scenarios like the one described above do not mean that you will stop buying or selling. Not at all! This only makes the path shorter and more efficient. And who doesn’t want that, nowadays?

This is well worth some reflection.

Renata Grasseschi Dunck

Company internationalization specialist for 25 years.


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